《BioHazard :Revelations》解鎖人物及服裝條件&器插件信息及標籤說明


Chris (BSAA Mission): Reach Player Level 30

Chris BSAA 套裝: Raid模式升級到30級

Chris (Sailor) Inflict 100,000 points of damage to an enemy in one hit in Raid mode.

Chris 水手服: Raid模式單發攻擊敵人造成超過10萬傷害

HUNK (Umbrella) Successfully complete all stages on the Abyss difficulty with an S rank.

Hunk 保護傘: 在Abyss難度所有關卡達成S評價

Jessica (Arctic) Successfully complete all Raid mode stages on the Chasm difficulty.

Jessica 極地裝: 完成所有Chasm難度關卡

Jessica (FBC) Reach Player Level 40

Jessica FBC套裝: Raid模式升級到40級

Jessica (Scuba) Successfully complete all Raid mode stages on the Trench difficulty.

Jessica 大腿裝: 完成所有Trench難度關卡

Jill (BSAA Mission) Obtain a super rare weapon.

Jill BSAA套裝: 拿到一把稀有武器

Jill (Pirate) Successfully complete The Ghost Ship bonus stage.

Jill 海盜裝: 完成Ghost Ship 關卡

Keith (Arctic) Successfully complete Campaign Episodes 4 through 6.

Keith 極地裝: 完成劇情模式第六章

Keith (Ninja) Reach Player Level 50.

Keith 忍者裝: Raid模式升級到50級

Keith (Office) Successfully complete all stages on the Chasm difficulty with an S rank.

Keith 辦公服: 在Chasm難度所有關卡達成S評價

Morgan (Executive Suit) Successfully complete all stages on the Trench difficulty with an S rank.

Morgan : 在Trench難度所有關卡達成S評價

Norman (Veltro) Successfully complete all stages on the Abyss difficulty.

Norman : 完成所有Abyss難度關卡

OBrian (BSAA Coat) Reach Player Level 20.

OBrian :Raid模式升級到20級

Parker (BSAA Mission) Earn 10 bonuses in Raid mode.

Parker BASS套裝: 在Raid模式達成10個任務目標

Parker (FBC) Defeat 10,000 enemies in Raid mode.

Parker FBC套裝: 在Raid模式殺死1萬名敵人

Quint (Arctic) Reach Player Level 5.

Quint 極地裝: 在Raid模式升級到5級

Quint (Office) Obtain all super rare weapons.

Quint 辦公裝: 獲得所有稀有武器

Rachael (FBC) Earn a Trinity Bonus in Raid mode.

Rachael: 在Raid模式其中一個關卡達成Trinity Bonus(低於建議等級/擊殺所宥敵人/無傷)

Raymond (FBC) Reach Player Level 10.

Raymond: 在Raid 模式升級到10級


Damage 1 – 6 : Ups firepower by 4%、6%、8%、10%、12%、15%.

傷害提高1- 6 等級:分別為4%、6%、8%、10%、12%、15%.

Fire Rate 1 – 4 : Ups firingrate by 10%、16%、22%、28%.

射速提高1 – 4 等級:分別為10%、16%、22%、28%.

Long Magazine 1- 10 : Ups capacity bu 10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、100%.

彈夾容彈量提高1- 10 等級:分別為10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、100%.

Bind 1 – 5 : Ups stopping power by 60%、75%、120%、150%、200%. (1、3 對應手槍、機槍;2、4 對應散彈、狙擊、麥林;5 全武器通用)

阻止怪物行動1- 5 等級:分別為60%、75%、120%、150%、200%. (1、3 對應手槍、機槍;2、4 對應散彈、狙擊、麥林;5 全武器通用)

Daze 1 – 5 : Ups power to put enemy into a daze by 40%、30%、80%、60%、120%. (1、3 對應手槍、機槍;2、4 對應散彈、狙擊、麥林; 5 全武器通用)

眩暈怪物1- 5 等級:分別為40%、30%、80%、60%、120%. (1、3 對應手槍、機槍;2、4 對應散彈、狙擊、麥林;5 全武器通用)

Enrage 1、2 : Raises the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by 200%、400%.

提高引怪率1 – 2 :當你攻擊怪時,怪轉向攻擊你的機率分別提高200%、400%.(MT天賦)

Cloak 1、2 : Lowers the degree of how much aggression an enemy will feel towards you when you attack it by -40%、-80%.

降低引怪率1 – 2 : 當你攻擊怪時,怪轉向攻擊你的機率分別降低-40%、-80%.(DPS天賦)

Piercing 1、2 : Ups piercing power by 1、2.

穿刺提高1 – 2 :可穿透1、2個敵人 .

Critical 1 – 5 : Ups critical hit rate by 10%、20%、30%、40%、50%.

會心一擊提高1 – 5 :會心一擊概率分別為10%、20%、30%、40%、50%.

Burst 2 : Fires 2 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.

連射2 :按一下扳機射2發子彈。

Burst 3 : Fires 3 consecutive shots with one trigger pull.

連射3 :按一下扳機射3發子彈。

Full Burst : Fires all remaining ammo consecutively with one trigger pull.

全彈發射: 按一下扳機射完一個彈匣。

Easy Hit 1 – 3 : Widens the area where shots will hit by 140%、220%、300%. (只有機槍類武器無法使用)

提高命中1 – 3 :命中區域提高140%、220%、300%。帶上這個保證100%命中率就容易多了!(只有機槍類武器無法使用)

Grenade Launcher : Throwing grenades while aiming will allow you to throw them in line with your aim. (只對應手槍、散彈和機槍類武器)

手雷發射器: 當舉槍瞄準時按投擲手雷鍵,手雷會朝準星瞄準線射出。(只對應手槍、散彈和機槍類武器)

Cornucopia 1(手槍、機槍) : Restores your ammo by 4 every 30 seconds.

Cornucopia 2(散彈、狙擊) : Restores your ammo by 2 every 30 seconds.

Cornucopia 3(手槍、機槍) : Restores your ammo by 7 every 30 seconds.

Cornucopia 4(散彈、狙擊) : Restores your ammo by 3 every 30 seconds.

Cornucopia 1(麥林) : Restores your ammo by 1 every 30 seconds.


Auto Loader 1 – 5 : Fire your weapon without reloading.(1至5分別對應手槍、散彈、機槍、狙擊、麥林這五種類別的武器)

自動裝填1 – 5 :彈夾彈藥打空以後自動上彈。1. 手槍、2. 散彈、3. 機槍、4. 狙擊、5. 麥林

Edge Runner 1 – 3 : Firepower goes up as your health goes down. Maximum change is 30%、40%、50%.


Infighter 1 – 3 : Firepower goes up as your distance form the target closes in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%、16%、22%.

近距離威力提高1 – 3 :當你離目標距離少於4米時,武器火力分別提高10%、16%、22%.

Outrange 1 – 3 : Firepower goes up as your distance form the target exceeds in under 4 meters. Maximum change is 10%、16%、22%.

遠距離威力提高1 – 3 :當你離目標距離大於4米時,武器火力分別提高10%、16%、22%.

Gluttony 1 – 5 : Ammo in your inventory will be used when ammo in weapon is depleted.(1至5分別對應手槍、散彈、機槍、狙擊、麥林這五種類別的武器)

(暴食)全彈通用1 – 5 :當某類子彈清光後自動從其他類別子彈中補充。(類別分別為:1. 手槍、2. 散彈、3. 機槍、4. 狙擊、5. 麥林)

Narrow 1、2 : Shotgun’s scatter range becomes narrower by -5°、-10°. (只有散彈類武器可以使用)


Wide 1、2 : Shotgun’s scatter range becomes wider by 3°、6°. (只有散彈類武器可以使用)


Charge Shot 1 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is short. (只對應手槍、狙擊)

蓄力攻擊1 :當你瞄準射擊時按住扳機可以蓄力。蓄力時間短。

Charge Shot 2 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long, but firepower goes up. (只有機槍類武器無法使用)

蓄力攻擊2 :當你瞄準射擊時按住扳機可以蓄力。蓄力時間長,但威力提高。

Charge Shot 3 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 1, but firepower goes up. (只對應手槍、狙擊)

蓄力攻擊3 :當你瞄準射擊時按住扳機可以蓄力。蓄力時間比Charge Shot 1長,但威力比Charge Shot 1大。

Charge Shot 4 : You can perform a charge shot by holding down the fire button. Charge time is long than Charge Shot 2, but firepower goes up. (只有機槍類武器無法使用)

蓄力攻擊4 :當你瞄準射擊時按住扳機可以蓄力。蓄力時間比Charge Shot 2長,但威力比Charge Shot 2大。

Reloader 1 – 5 : Ups reload speed by 28%、20%、20%、20%、15%.(1至5分別對應手槍、散彈、機槍、狙擊、麥林這五種類別的武器)

填充子彈速度提高1 – 5 : 速度提高分別為28%、20%、20%、20%、15%.(1 手槍、2 散彈、3 機槍、4 狙擊、5 麥林)

Reloader 6 – 10 : Ups reload speed by 40%、30%、30%、30%、25%.(1至5分別對應手槍、散彈、機槍、狙擊、麥林這五種類別的武器)

填充子彈速度提高1 – 5 : 速度提高分別為40%、30%、30%、30%、25%.(1 手槍、2 散彈、3 機槍、4 狙擊、5 麥林)

Brass Knuckle 1、2 : Ups physical attack damage by 30%、50%.

提高體術攻擊威力1、2 :傷害分別提高30%、50%.

Bottomless Pouch 1 : 1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.

輔助武器回复1 :每270秒恢復1顆手雷。

Bottomless Pouch 2 : 1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.

輔助武器回复2 :每270秒恢復1顆震盪雷。

Bottomless Pouch 3 : 1 BOW Decoy will regenerate every 270 seconds.

輔助武器回复3 :每270秒恢復1顆BOW誘導雷。

Bottomless Pouch 4 : 1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 270 seconds.

輔助武器回复4 :每270秒恢復1顆脈衝雷。

Bottomless Pouch 5 : 1 Hand Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.

輔助武器回复5 :每210秒恢復1顆手雷。

Bottomless Pouch 6 : 1 Shock Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.

輔助武器回复6 :每210秒恢復1顆震盪雷。

Bottomless Pouch 7 : 1 BOW Decoy will regenerate every 210 seconds.

輔助武器回复7 :每210秒恢復1顆BOW誘導雷。

Bottomless Pouch 8 : 1 Pulse Grenade will regenerate every 210 seconds.

輔助武器回复8 :每210秒恢復1顆脈衝雷。

Aura of Strength 1 : Your partner’s defense and attack power will go up 10% if they are within 3 meters of you.

能力光環1 :你的搭檔在你3米範圍內,提高防禦和攻擊各10%。

Aura of Strength 2 : Your partner’s defense and attack power will go up 13% if they are within 4 meters of you.

能力光環2 :你的搭檔在你4米範圍內,提高防禦和攻擊各13%。

Aura of Strength 3 : Your partner’s defense and attack power will go up 16% if they are within 5 meters of you.

能力光環3 :你的搭檔在你5米範圍內,提高防禦和攻擊各16%。

Medical Kit 1 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 2 meters of you when you use a herb.

共享回复1 :你的搭檔在你2米範圍內,可以共享你使用回复藥的效果。

Medical Kit 2 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 5 meters of you when you use a herb.

共享回复2 :你的搭檔在你5米範圍內,可以共享你使用回复藥的效果。

Medical Kit 3 : Your partner will also recover health if they are within 8 meters of you when you use a herb.

共享回复3 :你的搭檔在你8米範圍內,可以共享你使用回复藥的效果。

Fertilizer 1 – 3 : Enemies will have a 15%、20%、25% drop rate for herbs.

回复藥掉落1 – 3 :敵人分別有15%、20%、25% 機率掉落回复藥。

Ammo Magnet 1 : Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.(對應手槍、機槍)

彈藥掉落1 :敵人有20%的機率掉落“手槍、 機槍”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 2 : Enemies will have a 18% drop rate for ammo.(對應散彈、狙擊)

彈藥掉落2 :敵人有18%的機率掉落“霰彈、狙擊”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 3 : Enemies will have a 15% drop rate for ammo.(對應麥林)

彈藥掉落3 :敵人有15%的機率掉落“麥林”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 4 : Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.(對應手槍、機槍)

彈藥掉落4 :敵人有28%的機率掉落“手槍、 機槍”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 5 : Enemies will have a 24% drop rate for ammo.(對應散彈、狙擊)

彈藥掉落5 :敵人有24%的機率掉落“霰彈、狙擊”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 6 : Enemies will have a 20% drop rate for ammo.(對應麥林)

彈藥掉落6 :敵人有20%的機率掉落“麥林”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 7 : Enemies will have a 35% drop rate for ammo.(對應手槍、機槍)

彈藥掉落7 :敵人有35%的機率掉落“手槍、 機槍”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 8 : Enemies will have a 32% drop rate for ammo.(對應散彈、狙擊)

彈藥掉落8 :敵人有32%的機率掉落“霰彈、狙擊”彈藥

Ammo Magnet 9 : Enemies will have a 28% drop rate for ammo.(對應麥林)

彈藥掉落9 :敵人有28%的機率掉落“麥林”彈藥

Metal Detector 1 – 3 : Enemies will have a 16%、23%、30% drop rate for BP.

BP掉落1 – 3 :敵人分別有16%、23%、30% 掉落BP。BP就是買東西用的錢啊!

Medal of Courage : Your adjusted level will be ignored when calculating damage.


Fanges 1 – 3 : Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 1.5%、2.5%、3.5% HP. (只對應手槍、狙擊、麥林)

攻擊回血1 – 3 :每次你成功對敵人造成傷害,你將分別獲得1.5%、2.5%、3.5% HP。(只對應手槍、狙擊、麥林)

Dehumanizer 1 – 3 : Ups the damage you do to humanoid enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to other enemies is decreased by 30%.

人形怪殺手1 – 3 :你對人形怪的傷害分別提高12%、18%、24% , 但對其他怪的傷害下降30%。

Poisonous Lure 1 – 3 : Ups the damage you do to creatures of the sea by 12%、18%、24%.

海鮮殺手1 – 3 :對海洋類怪物的傷害分別提高12%、18%、24%。

Hunting Gear 1 – 3 : Ups the damage you do to enemies like Hunters and wolf-like creatures by 12%、18%、24%.

獵殺者殺手1 – 3 :對獵殺者的傷害分別提高12%、18%、24%.

Giant Rabbit’s Foot 1 – 3 : Ups the damage you do to strong enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to normal enemies is decreased by 30%.

強者殺手1 – 3 :對強大的敵人傷害分別提高12%、18%、24%. 對於普通的敵人傷害下降30%。(這裡的strong enemies是指等級比玩家高還是指特指某類敵人,未知)

Green Belt 1 – 3 : Ups the damage you do to normal enemies by 12%、18%、24%. Damage to strong enemies is decreased by 30%.

弱者殺手1 – 3 :對普通的敵人傷害分別提高12%、18%、24%. 對於強大的敵人傷害下降30%。(這裡的strong enemies是指等級比玩家高還是指特指某類敵人,未知)

Auto-shot : You will fire upon enemies automatically just by aiming at them.

自動射擊: 只要你瞄準了敵人就會自動射擊,無需按扳機(但是裝填彈藥還是要手動)。


STARS : Firepower goes up by 4% and critical hit rate goes up by 10%.


FBC : Firepower increases the closer enemies are within 4 meters(max is +8%); +10% for strong enemies and goes down 30% for normal ones.


BSAA : Every time you inflict damage on an enemy, you will regain 1% HP and have a 12% chance of earning BP when you defeat the enemy.(只對應手槍、狙擊、麥林)



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