

《每日郵報》報導,未來學家Dr Ian Pearson預測,到2025年,浴室將連接到物聯網,到2040年,一個機器人打掃浴室的情形,將會成為常態。伊恩還強調到,未來浴室的鏡子,它會得到一個巨大的改造。

As well as becoming more useful, bathrooms will become more entertaining with personalised lighting and entertainment systems the norm in a decade, Dr Pearson said. A polymer wall showing palm trees is shown
Ian Pearson稱未來的智能鏡子將是幾毫米厚的OLED顯示屏,並全部鏈接到互聯網,當然,還內嵌高解析度的攝像頭。
Mirrors could also offer people make-up tips (pictured) let them try on looks virtually and from 2040, even partly apply make-up fitted with smart particles

Smart mirrors could be used for video check-ups with doctors and could even perform retina scans (illustrated) or breath tests that could indicate illnesses

A futurologist has predicted that in  20 years smart mirrors could diagnose diseases, while robots will be able to do a person's make-up and nails. A vision of a smart bathroom, including a projected screen and scales is shown. The predictions were made for Bathrooms.com

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